Nanotechnology for Optics and Sensors
Editor(s): Professor Mahmood Aliofkhazraei Publisher: One Central Press Date Published: 1 December 2014 ISBN (eBook): 9781910086094 Language: English
- Advances in instrumentation
- Applications in biology, chemistry, solid-state physics and material sciences
- Building blocks for nanophotonic devices
- Cavity nano-optics including photonic and plasmonic crystals
- Industrial applications
- Infared and Terahetz nanophotonics
- Light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
- Nanophotonic circuits and designs
- Nanophotonics
- Nanoscale optical imaging
- Near-field enhancement phenomena (SERS, fluorescence, CARS, SIERA)
- Nonlinear and ultrafast phenomena
- Novel concepts and phenomena in near-field optics
- Miscellaneous
- Optical metamaterials
- Optical signal processing at the nanoscale
- Plasmonics
- Quantum optics in the near-field
- Nano-Spectroscopy
- Theory and modelling
- Preface for ‘Nanotechnology for optics and sensors’ bookAuthor(s): Professor Mahmood AliofkhazraeiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 01 – Importance of the Nanostructured Ceramic Materials on Gas SensingAuthor(s): Rafael Vargas-Bernal and Gabriel Herrera-PérezClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 02 – Nanostructured Detector Technology for Optical Sensing ApplicationsAuthor(s): Ashok K. Sood, Roger E. Welser, Yash R. Puri, Nibir K. Dhar, Dennis L. Polla, Madan Dubey and Priyalal WijewarnasuriyaClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 03 – Bio-Chemical Sensors based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers; Soft Lithography, Microfabricationand Microfluidic SynthesisAuthor(s): Kyung M. ChoiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 04 – Photocatalytic Application of Titania Nanoparticles for Degradation of Organic PollutantsAuthor(s): Alireza Badiei and Alireza BadieiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 05 – Colloidal PbS quantum dots on GaAs: Optical properties and Urbach tail slope tuningAuthor(s): Bruno Ullrich, A K Singh, J S Wang and H XiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 06 – Potential of Flexible Carbon Nanotube Films for High Performance Strain and Pressure SensorsAuthor(s): O. Kanoun, C. Müller, A. Benchirouf, A. Sanli, A. Bouhamed, A. Al-Hamry and L. BuClick to Read & Download...
Book Editor Profile

Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)
Mahmood Aliofkhazraei earned his B.Sc. in extractive metallurgical engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in materials science (corrosion, coatings and surface engineering) from Tarbiat Modares University. In 2012, he joined the materials engineering department at Tarbiat Modares University as assistant professor. Dr. Aliofkhazraei’s research interests include nanotechnology and its use in surface and corrosion science. One of his main interests is plasma electrolysis and he published more than 40 papers and a book in this area. In total he has published more than 12 books and 90 journal papers. He has given some invited talks including several keynotes in several countries. Aliofkhazraei has received several awards including the Khwarizmi award, IMES medal, INIC award, best thesis award (multiple times), best book award (multiple times) and the best young nanotechnologist award of Iran (2 times). He is on the advisory editorial board of several materials science and nanotechnology journals. He is a member of the national association of surface sciences, Iranian corrosion association, and national elite foundation of Iran.
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