Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Editor(s): Professor Waqar Ahmed Publisher: One Central Press ISBN (eBook): 9781910086179 Language: English
Nanotechnology is an exciting and accelerating field of activity, which has attracted considerable
attention of scientists, engineers and the general public. However, it is very broad and multidisciplinary and cannot be described comprehensively in a single volume.
This book has been complied into nine chapters covering a range of nanomaterials for applications in energy, membranes and sensors. Each chapter is written by international experts in multidisciplinary research into particular aspects of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
- Preface for ‘Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology’ bookAuthor(s): Professor Waqar AhmedClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 01 – Supramolecular Graphene Nanocomposites and Applications for Chemo- and BiosensorsAuthor(s): Gunnar Olsen, Arnab Halder and Qijin ChiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 02 – Thermodynamic study of the phase separation mechanisms in nonstoichio-metric Si oxide films during high temperature annealingAuthor(s): Andrey SarikovClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 03 – Selective electrodifussion in nano-channelsAuthor(s): Katarzyna Tkacz-Śmiech, Bogusław Bożek, Marek DanielewskiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 04 – Cobalt Doped Nanostructured ZnO/p-Si Heterojunctions for Energy Conversion DevicesAuthor(s): P. Hari and A. KaphleClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 05 – Flexible Conducting Polymer-Decorated Nanocomposites for Energy Conversion and Storage DevicesAuthor(s): Sivaprakasam Radhakrishnan, Danyun Lei, Tae Hoon Ko, Chepuri R.K. Rao, Byoung-Suhk KimClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 06 – Edge magnetisms and its application in two-dimensional atom-thin layers: Nanomeshes on graphene and black phosphorusAuthor(s): Junji HaruyamaClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 07 – Nanotechnology and NanomaterialsAuthor(s): R. M. Mohsen, M. M. Selim, Y. M. Abu-Ayana, S. M. M. Morsi, A. A. Ghoneim and S. M. El-SawyClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 08 – Carbon nanotubes membranesAuthor(s): Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh TofighyClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 09 – Nanostructured thin films and devices based on metallic oxides grown by facile routesAuthor(s): Mostefa Benhaliliba, A. AyeshamariamClick to Read & Download...
Book Editor Profile

University of Lincoln
(College Director of Enterprise, Professor of Nanoscience, Deputy Head)
Currently Professor Waqar Ahmed, CEng FIMMM FRSC is the College Director of Enterprise, Professor of Nanoscience, Deputy Head at the School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science at The University of Lincoln.
Prior to this position he was the the head of UCLAN Institute of Nanotechnology and Bioengineering, holding the Chair in Nanotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and was the Divisional Leader for Nanomedicine in the new School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Educated at UK Universities of Salford, Strathclyde and Warwick he has established himself as a leading international authority in the emerging and exciting field of Nanotechnology. He has authored over 500 research papers and articles, over a dozen books and been an invited keynote speaker at international conferences throughout the world. Prof Ahmed has served as founding editor-in-chief of several journals including International Journals of Nanomanufacturing; Nano and Biomaterials; and Nanoparticles and is on the advisory board of the Oxford University Press Book Series on Nanomanufacturing with Prof. Jackson from Purdue University. He has also chaired numerous conferences, committees and sessions in the USA, China, Europe, Russia and Middle East. Professor Ahmed is a Fellow of both learned societies Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He holds honorary and visiting Professorship worldwide at prestigious Universities including Sichuan University (China), Purdue University (USA), Tenessee Technological University (USA), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), University Roma Torvagata (Italy). His research interests include thin films and nanoparticles and their applications in medicine, dentistry, engineering and energy generation.
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