Editor(s): Professor Julian Maria Gonzalez Estevez Publisher: One Central Press ISBN (eBook): 9781910086056 Language: EnglishTHE TOPICS COVERED IN THE EDITED BOOK INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:
1. Fundamental magnetic properties at nanometer scale
1.1. Design, synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials
1.2. Advanced magnetic materials and techniques
1.3. Magnetoresistance, magnetoimpedence, spin torque transfer
1.4. Ultra–thin films and surface effects
1.5. Multi-layered films and superlattice structures, interface effects
1.6. Exchange bias
1.7. Magnetic nanoparticles and nanostructures
1.8. Magnetic microscopy, imaging and characterization
2. Multifunctional magnetic materials at nanometer scale
2.1. Multiferroics and magnetoelectric materials
2.2. Magneto-optic materials
2.3. Magneto-elastic materials
2.4. Magneto-caloric materials
2.5. Magnetic quantum dots
2.6. Half-metallics and magnetic semiconductors
2.7. Magnetism and superconductivity
2.8. Carbon based magnetism
2.9. Magnetic shape memory alloys
3. Applications and devices
3.1. Nanoscale magnetoelectronics
3.2. Advanced nanodevice modeling
3.3. Magnetic storage and magnetic recording
3.4. Magneto-optical applications
3.5. Domain wall devices
3.6. Magnetic sensors
3.7. Molecular magnetism and devices
3.8. Microwave materials and applications
4. Spin dynamics in magnetic nanostructures
4.1. Magnetization dynamics and damping
4.2. Domain wall and vortex dynamics
4.3. Fast and Ultrafast switching
4.4. Micromagnetic simulations
- Preface for ‘Nanomagnetism’ bookAuthor(s): Professor Julian Maria Gonzalez EstevezClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 01 – Nanomagnetic Materials and Structures, and their Applicationsin Integrated RF and Power ModulesAuthor(s): P. Markondeya Raj, Dibyajat Mishra, Himani Sharma, Madhavan Swaminathan and Rao TummalaClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 02 – Elastomeric composites with magnetorheological and magnetic properties conaining nano-sized iron oxideAuthor(s): Marcin Masłowski, Marian ZaborskiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 03 – On Synthesis, Optical and magnetic Properties of Semimagnetic Nanocrystals Growth in Glass MatrixAuthor(s): Sidney Alves Lourenço, Noelio Oliveira Dantas and Ricardo Souza da SilvaClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 04 – Basic concepts in ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductors. The case of manganese embedded in Ge(001)Author(s): George A. Lungu, Nicoleta G. Apostol, Cristian M. TeodorescuClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 05 – Fundamental magnetic properties at nanometer scaleAuthor(s): Abdulaziz Aiyedh AlharbiClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 06 – Synthesis and application of magnetic nanoparticlesAuthor(s): Kishwar Khan, Sarish Rehman, Hafeez Ur Rahman, Qasim KhanClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 07 – Advanced Permanent Magnetic MaterialsAuthor(s): Felix Jimenez-Villacorta and Laura H. LewisClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 08 – Magneto-optic Studies on II-VI Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Glass Composites and on Rare Earth Containing Glasses: Non-Linear Faraday Effect and Nano-scale In-homogeneitiesAuthor(s): John Schroeder, Joseph H. KratzerClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 09 – Magnetic Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Magnetically Functionalized Carbon NanotubesAuthor(s): S.L. Prischepa, A.L. Danilyuk, A.L. Prudnikava, I.V. Komissarov, V.A. Labunov, K.I. Yanushkevich, F. Le NormandClick to Read & Download...
- Chapter 10 – Conducting Multiphase Magnetic Nanocomposites for Microwave Shielding ApplicationAuthor(s): Avanish Pratap Singh, Monika Mishra and S.K. DhawanClick to Read & Download...
Book Editor Profile

University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Julian Gonzalez was graduated in Physics in1977 from the Navarra University. In 1987 received the PhD degree from the University of the Basque Country. Present employment: as a Professor of Materials Physics Department of the University of the Basque Country in the Department of the Chemistry Faculty in San Sebastian (Spain). Current fields of interest: novel magnetic materials, amorphous, nanocrystalline and nanogranular ferromagnetic alloys and compounds, metamaterials at microwave range. Spintronics. Magnetotransport (Magnetoresistance, Magnetoimpedance, Ferromagnetic Resonance, Magnetocaloric). New magnetic sensors. He has published more than 400 referred papers in international journals on studies of magnetic materials with more vthan 3.500 cites (among others 10 from Prof. Albert Fert, laureated with the Nobel prix in Physics 2007), edited 9 conference proceedings, he has given a number of 50 invited talks in international conferences on Magnetism, invited lectures in Labs and Departments of University of prestigious, wrote 1 book and 12 chapters for books and encyclopedia (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sensors, Handbook of Advanced Magnetic Materials, Amorphous Materials: Research, Technology and Applications), etc. He has also had the responsibility to be the supervisor of 12 students of PhD and 6 students of master in Nanoscience of the University of the Basque Country and head of Master in Nanoscience in the University of Oviedo (Spain).
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Books9 May 2022Nanomagnetism